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对选民许下众多承诺 川普忙碌的白宫第一天

发表于 2016-11-12 00:05:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

对选民许下众多承诺 川普总统忙碌的白宫第一天



• 终止所有的奥巴马总统令 "Repeal every single Obama executive order." (He has also pledged more specifically to "eliminate every unconstitutional executive order.")
• 终止奥巴马健保 "Repeal Obamacare." (On Trump's campaign website, he's less bullish, promising only to "ask Congress" on day one to repeal Obamacare immediately.)
• 停止对煤矿的战争 "End the war on coal."
• 马上将所有有犯罪前科的非法移民递解出境 "Begin swiftly removing criminal illegal immigrants from this country." (More specifically, Trump has promised to do this in his "first hour" in office, "day one, before the wall, before anything.")
• 开始建造一座实在的、高高的、有力的、美丽的、不可逾越的南部(美墨)边界墙,而且让墨西哥人付账单 "Begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful, southern border wall." and "have Mexico pay for that wall."
• 跟国土安全部的官员和将军们讨论如何保卫南部(美墨)边界 Meet with Homeland Security officials and generals to begin securing the southern border.
• 照会所有拒绝接受有犯罪前科的非法移民的国家、他们不会获得进入美国的签证 "Notify all countries that refuse to take back dangerous illegal immigrants who have committed crimes in this country that they will lose access to our visa programs if they continue to do so."
• 命令五星上将们在30天内拿出消灭ISIS的方案 Convene his top generals and inform them they have 30 days to come up with a plan to stop ISIS.
• 彻底整治退伍军人部 Fix the Department of Veterans Affairs.
• 给每一家将运作迁至海外的大公司负责人打电话、告诉他们对这些公司征收35%的关税 Call the heads of major companies who are moving operations oversea to inform them that they'll face 35 percent tariffs.
• 给盟国打电话,跟他们说“哥儿几个,你们的美国老大哥愿意保护你们,美国希望继续保护你们,不过你们不能再占美国的便宜了” "Contact countries and say…'Folks, we love protecting you, we want to continue to protect you but you're not living up to the bargain'…."
• 保护未出生的生灵 "Defend the unborn."
• 撤出TPP "Withdraw from TPP."
• 开始照顾我们的军队 "Start taking care of our…military."
• 终止叙利亚难民项目 Suspend Syrian refugee resettlement.
• 告知北美自由贸易协定NAFTA的小伙伴们重新谈判 "Notify our NAFTA partners of my intention to renegotiate the deal."
• 把中国列入汇率操纵国 "Designate China as a currency manipulator."
• 命令所有机构查找扼杀工作的法规、去除它们 "Direct every agency in government to begin identifying all wasteful job-killing regulations, and they are going to be removed."
• 取消校区及军事基地的禁枪规定 (我的第一天,签了,OK!第一天,不再有不能配枪的地方)"Get rid of gun-free zones [in] schools" and "military bases"—which would require repealing a 25-year-old federal law. ("My first day, it gets signed, okay? My first day. There's no more gun-free zones.")
• 要求国会通过'凯蒂法',这个法规定有犯罪前科的外国人再度非法进入美国时被强制投入监狱而且是严重的最低刑期 "Ask Congress to pass 'Kate's Law'—named for Kate Steinle—to ensure that criminal aliens convicted of illegal reentry receive strong mandatory minimum sentences."


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